Architecture holds bodies to exist, without it, they don’t survive, but neither they do without the other. As species we are dependable beings who not only need the other to survive, we need the other to grow. Collectivity is the result of our necessity to feed, clothe and shelter. It is constructed on desires and it exists because we also need gathering. Collectively is where opportunities of growth arise, of transmission of knowledge, of productivity, of cultural exchange, but primarily and profoundly collectivity persists because human beings need each other to exist. The office has dedicated its entire work to revolve around notions of care, understanding its possibilities from the most private and intimate spaces towards the more common or collective aspects of society. It seeks opportunities of projects that are capable of reinforcing social ties that give opportunities to individuals to grow more in more sustained ways empowering everyone seeking to transgress the present dynamic. A dynamic that promotes individuals as actors who must peruse their own labor practices to support themselves, which more and more are erasing possibilities for the majority of the population. In different scales of collectivity, the work presented in this exhibition explores channels of opening spaces that can foster different types of relationships among humans serving as platforms for social relationships where potentially each individual can find its own place. Every project is an opportunity to explore strategies to promote architecture as a platform for anyone to create their own experience.